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Fair debate is the heart of democracy. But as revealed in The Social Dilemma, social media algorithms that amplify outrage are eroding our society’s ability to engage in constructive arguments. The Social Dilemma Debate Project serves to combat the polarization, hate and gridlock that defines today’s culture and politics with a new generation of strong debaters.
As policymakers debate ways to reform social media, The Social Dilemma Debate Project invited Gen Z, the generation most impacted by Big Social’s extractive business model, to join the debate and share their proposed policy solutions in response to the prompt, “Should we regulate social media?”
Produced in partnership with Newsweek and The National Association for Urban Debate Leagues, debaters across the US submitted their arguments for a chance at receiving a $500 scholarship and an appearance on Newsweek’s “The Debate” podcast.
We’re thrilled to announce our four debate finalists: Deona Julary, Frank Anstett, Grace Kapsimalis, and Stephen Githaka. Join “The Debate” podcast host Celeste Headlee in a lively conversation with these inspiring students to expand on their arguments:
Be sure to check out previous podcast recordings featuring semi-finalists Isha Goswami, Alexis Gardner, Ashley Ontiveros and Teens for Press Freedom offering additional viewpoints on social media regulation:
Watch original video submissions from the top 14 debaters here.
Interested in bringing this debate to your classroom?
Register for resources below!

Watch The Social Dilemma. Host a screening with your classroom to learn more about the impact of social media on our information ecosystem. Register your screeninng here so we can support you with screening materials including a 40-minute classroom edition of the film.

Host a Debate. Use our Classroom Debate Resource to host a debate about social media regulation. This resource guides students in the foundational tenets of argumentation and supports them in advocating a potential policy solution. To see a debate in action, watch the Washington D.C. and Boston Urban Debate Leagues go head to head.

Get inspired. To support students in developing their proposals, use our Policy Primer for an overview of the regulatory pathways that are currently being explored by legislators and activists.